The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Women's entrepreneurship accounts for 40% of Shymkent's GDP

- City of Shymkent
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The business ladies of Shymkent are constantly looking for new opportunities for growth.

This is exactly the content of the II Business Forum "Women and Business: New Opportunities-2020", which opened today in Shymkent. Chairperson of the Council of Business Women of the Atameken NCE RK, a member of the Presidium of the Atameken NCE RK Lazzat Ramazanova, Shymkent city government, entrepreneurs, Council of Businesswomen, delegates from other regions, representatives of international organizations, NGOs, deputies, and the media take part in the Forum. The Forum provided an opportunity to gather 300 businesswomen seeking for constant growth and success, exchange experiences, discuss problems and find useful business contacts and acquaintances.

According to Alma Arkhabayeva, Chairperson of the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Shymkent, anchorperson of the forum, more and more initiative women in Shymkent are creating their business projects, seeking to implement new ideas, directing their positive and creative energy to improve the economy of the city. Women successfully manage educational, medical and agricultural facilities, but most often they take over the service sector, trade and light, and food industries.

Lazzat Ramazanova, Chairperson of the Businesswomen's Council of the Atameken NCE RK, emphasizing the growing business activity of women in Shymkent, outlined the social portrait of the local businesswoman:

"I am very glad to announce such statistics: women's entrepreneurship in Shymkent provides 40% of the city's GDP! Today women account for 42 percent of the total business community of Shymkent, and the potential for development here is not exhausted by these figures, it is very large. Small and medium business is actively promoted in the city by women. Having started with small businesses, they reach the desired level and go further in search of new opportunities. This is the main goal of the forum - to give entrepreneurs of Shymkent new opportunities for joint work."

What kind of difficulties does women's entrepreneurship face? What direction do those who want to reach new heights move? Speakers, opinion leaders, practitioners and executives from successful companies shared their success stories and best cases.

 Nurlan Kabistaev, Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Shymkent, spoke in detail about measures of state support for women's entrepreneurship.

The participants of the forum also summed up the work done by the Council of Business Women and presented projects for 2020, an exhibition of products and services of companies members of the Council of Businesswomen, presentations by second-tier banks and development institutions, master classes, defiles of collections of local designers, panel sessions and more.

Forum participants were unanimous in their opinion that such a platform and format allows conducting an open exchange of views, raise the most pressing issues, generate fruitful ideas, coordinate the activities of women's associations, and consolidate the business.

The program of the first day of the forum ended with the issuance of certificates and awarding the best businesswomen of the city. Having received a portion of valuable knowledge and emotions, forum participants went home waiting for the next day of the forum. Tomorrow they will visit the best enterprises in the city.

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