The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Artificial intelligence will help to predict court decisions

- City of Almaty
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The project on the introduction of artificial intelligence to search for and predict court decisions is being implemented within the framework of the Roadmap of the Atameken NCE RK together with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019. Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Atameken NCE RK told about it during the annual Kazakhstan Legal Forum-2019 in Almaty.

The project is implemented by specialists of the Kazakhstani-British Technical University in cooperation with the employees of the Nazarbayev University’s laboratory of artificial intelligence. The specialists studied the experience of the existing systems of the USA (IBM Watson, Legal Aid), France (Soft Law), Russia (RosPravostvo, ConsultantPlus) at the Project office. The developing system will be analogous to global systems.

Rustam Zhursunov noted that the system of artificial intelligence will provide entrepreneurs with the opportunity to search for judicial acts and predict the possible outcome of court cases. Implementation of the project will reduce the load on courts; ensure the openness of judicial acts, uniformity of judicial practice and introduction of case law, which will ultimately reduce the level of corruption in courts.

"First of all, this is done for judges. This assistance will allow avoiding routine and increasing attention in the consideration of certain controversial issues in the courts. The second task is some kind of mediation. When you intend to litigate with someone, log in to this system and it gives you a percentage of your success. If it is low, you should negotiate. Thus, in our opinion, the load on the judicial system will be reduced," he said.

According to him, 1,200,000 court decisions and 100,000 lawsuits have been uploaded into the artificial intelligence system. The system is trained to define the category of a case, search for similar cases in terms of their situation and meaning, track the "life cycle" of all courts, detect anomalies in court decisions. Also, it is planned to determine the likelihood of the plaintiff winning a complaint using artificial intelligence algorithms. Completion of the project is planned at the beginning of next year.


Kazakhstan Legal Forum is held for the 9th time. The event is attended by more than 300 speakers and experts from the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the relevant ministries, the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, directors of legal departments of top-100 companies and leading law firms in Kazakhstan.

On the first day of the forum, there were 5 parallel sections: Business Law, IT Law, and LegalTech, Medicine and Pharmaceutics, Retail and FMCG, Youth Forum. The day ended with a big Lawyers' Night party and the Best Law Departments of Kazakhstan award.

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