The national chamber of entrepreneurs



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Since the beginning of this year, 37,000 entrepreneurs have used free services under the state program. "Atameken" transfers service support into online format.

This was stated at the meeting of the Government of the RK by the Chairman of the Board of the NCE "Atameken", Ablai Myrzakhmetov. He noted that the National Chamber is the operator of non-financial support for entrepreneurs within the framework of the "Business Roadmap 2020" program and conducts this work in five areas: service support for the operating business, information support on measures of state support for businesses in single-industry towns, small towns and district centers, the "Business School" project, the "Business Relations" project, the "Senior Professional" project.

"Within 4 years, more than 200 thousand of start-up and operating entrepreneurs received services. During these years, 7,600 enterprises were opened. In total, within the framework of the program, about 11,000 projects were supported in four years," - Ablai Myrzakhmetov said.

Since the beginning of the year, 37 thousand entrepreneurs used free of charge services, 12 thousand people passed training on the "Business Communications" and "Business School" projects. 11 expert missions of foreign consultants who conducted work directly at enterprises were also implemented.

"The annual plan was fulfilled in a year. This shows the great potential of the program, and its necessity for the business community. We provide services in 8 areas, 4 of which are especially important and are in demand among entrepreneurs, such as preparation of business projects, marketing, tax and legal services," - Ablai Myrzakhmetov noted.

Since 2018 the National Chamber has set a goal to automate the provision of state support measures and optimize business processes through the Atameken Services online platform. The Chairman of the Board noted that since the launch of the online platform, more than 1,000 entrepreneurs throughout the country have used the services without leaving the office or at home.

"Since June the National Chamber has been switching to automation of services. Currently 61 free services are provided both online and offline. It is expected that from September 1, the online service provision will be fully launched in all regions of Kazakhstan," - Ablai Myrzakhmetov pointed out.

However, there is a problem of poor-quality Internet connection at a local level. Analyzing traffic in district centers and single-industry towns, it was found out that 76 out of 189 Business Support Centers have a weak signal that does not allow to receive services in online mode.

Also, Ablai Myrzammetov emphasized that there is a shortage of funds for subsidizing the interest rate on loans in a number of regions. The main reason for the deficit is the growth in the number of incoming applications and the corresponding growth in the loan portfolio. In 2015, the amount of subsidies paid for 1-3 lines of Business Roadmap-2020 amounted to 26 million tenge, in 2016 - 31, 7 million tenge. In 2017, the figure increased up to 36 million tenge.

"There is a specific task of the President and the National Chamber consider that the National Bank should also tackle this problem. Thanks to "Business Roadmap 2020" the problem of crediting is being solved. But we need to pay attention to planning. This year, in 11 regions, local akimats allocated money through maslikhats, but the problem with loans remained unresolved in the West Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan and Akmola regions. I would like the regional akimats to pay attention to the solution of this issue," - Ablai Myrzakhmetov stressed.

Deputy Prime Minister Yerbolat Dosayev said that in the light of the change in the status of the "Business Road Map 2020" program, relevant work to achieve the set goals will be carried out jointly with the local executive bodies and the "Atameken".

Based on the results of the consideration of the issue, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev noted that today the "Business Roadmap - 2020" is one of the most important tools for integrated support of entrepreneurship in the country. The program is bearing fruits.

"Currently, in coordination with the Head of State, the Program acquires the State status and goes to a new level of the implementation," - Bakytzhan Sagintayev stressed.

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