The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Timur Kulibayev noted a worthy example of cooperation between businessmen and akimat of East Kazakhstan region

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The head of Atameken met with entrepreneurs of East Kazakhstan region First of all, the Chairman of the Presidium spoke about the measures taken to improve the entrepreneurial climate. The work on humanization of the current legislation was carried out. If from June 2015 to June 2016, 7,900 criminal cases were initiated against businessmen, then in the same period of 2016-2017 - 1,400. In the Administrative Code, for a number of articles, confiscation and arrests have been replaced by fines.

"The work with government agencies at the republican level is very good. The analysis of control and supervisory functions was carried out, they will be reduced by one third. 2/3 of the problematic issues were decided. There are 150 system problems left, we solve them. Under the tax code, all unclear interpretations will be interpreted in favor of entrepreneurs. Tax disputes can be resolved within the appeals committee under the Ministry of Finance.In general, appeals for tax problems should be reduced several times. We are now raising the question of whether some of the taxes from SMEs remain in the regions. As akimats are aware of how small and medium business gets along, what is required for effective development. I want to note the work of the akimat of East Kazakhstan region and Danial Kenzhetayevich, who is actively initiating proposals in support of business. Here, the cooperation of the Chamber and the executive bodies is fine-tuned and brings concrete results", the head of the National Chamber noted.

He also touched upon the issue of improving the customs legislation, which provides for reducing the timeframe for business delinquency, reducing fines, and canceling confiscation for customs matters. "Your region is a border region, so this is a very important issue for you", - said Timur Kulibayev. The work on the creation of the Government for business was also noted. The task is to optimize the number of state support programs in digital form for the convenience of entrepreneurs.

Atameken develops effective tools for self-regulation, which will remove administrative barriers and free the business from obsolete permitting and control procedures. Timur Kulibayev recalled that the issues on state purchases and purchases of the quasi-public sector were always acute. "Atameken" worked on their solution for a long time. 2017 – is a turning point, agreements have been signed with Samruk-Kazyna, where representatives of the National Chamber will take part in procurement at the level of preparation of technical documentation, so that the domestic producer would come in.

“This is very important, because it is the long-term contracts that allow to modernize production and to compete on an equal footing. Now the procurement process of the whole quasi-public sector will become transparent, accessible to our manufacturers. The legislation will provide for measures on strict liability of buyers for their work", - explained Timur Kulibayev.

He drew attention to the fact that in each region it is necessary to make a list of production facilities for launch or modernization and to point them out at the republican level: through a regional map, to lend with bank interest, but with subsidizing rates from the state. Timur Kulibayev highly appreciated the work of the region in training specialists for enterprises, noting that the percentage of employed college graduates here exceeds the metropolitan rates.

At the same time, he stressed that it is very important to pay attention to the retraining and upgrading of the skills of employed employees, providing for this state funding. In addition, he talked about the work that the National Chamber is carrying out in the framework of the presidential article "Bolashak bagdar: rukhani zhangyru". "As part of the instructions given by the Head of State on social responsibility, we launched a campaign "Atamekenem".

We must tell entrepreneurs who want to do charity, in what direction should they move. The Regional Council together with the akimat can jointly determine where to send the funds, so that these funds will go specifically to people's needs. We must carry out this work together", - Timur Kulibayev said.

Also during the working trip Timur Kulibayev visited the enterprise of JSC "KEMONT", which is engaged in the design and manufacture of electrical equipment. Another point of the visit was the Kumash Nurgaliyev College - the largest educational institution in the region, where the dual education system was successfully introduced.

Reference: RCE of EKR is the leader in the elimination of administrative barriers: 39 out of 94 barriers are the result of monthly monitoring of the quality of government services to businesses.

For example, refusals to the state service "registration as a taxpayer" are practically reduced to zero. Over the past 4 years, the number of inspections in the region has decreased more than 3.5 times (from 22 thousand to 6 thousand per year). 37 officials were brought to justice for violating the rights of entrepreneurs, one was relieved of his post.

The position of the National Council on this issue is unambiguous: the punishment of officials for negligence in relation to business will be strengthened. Atameken proposed to conduct an analysis with the development of specific measures to eliminate the imbalance between the number of complaints and the number of punished officials.

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