The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The punishment of Kazakh officials for negligence requires rigidity

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Concrete measures are needed to rectify the imbalance between the affected entrepreneurs and the number of punished officials. On 23 of November 2017, the 2nd General Forum of Business Protection "Supervision of the Prosecutor's Office in the Sphere of Entrepreneurship" will be held in the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Forum will be attended by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK Atameken Timur Kulibayev, the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhakip Asanov, the Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights Bolat Palymbetov, the Chairman of the Public Council for Support of Entrepreneurship of the Nur Otan Party Meiram Pshembaev, the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Akhmetzhanov and the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE Rustam Zhursunov. We will talk about the implementation of the "Roadmap" for business protection, approved at the I-Forum in July 2016.

About which of the 114 clauses of the action plan are executed and which are not, how it affected the "well-being" of entrepreneurs, as well as about the upcoming plans and tasks for further improving the business climate in the country. During the meeting, the topic of illegal interference in business activities will be discussed. For example, the issue of strengthening the responsibility of officials deserves special attention. Practice shows that the system of checks and balances does not work. Officials for their mistakes, often resulting in "lethal" consequences for business, in fact, bear no responsibility. In 2016 alone, 44,920 complaints were received against the actions of officials, while only 17 officials were brought to disciplinary responsibility, and 15 officials were brought to administrative responsibility. In the first half of 2017, this figure was - 18,077, 6 civil servants were disciplined, 20 were bought to administrative responsibility.

In addition, in the current year, in order to implement the Address of the Head of State, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the Ministry of National Economy and state bodies, did a lot to deregulate the business and reduce its costs. As a result, selective inspections are canceled, some of the inspections are replaced by professional control, the control functions of government agencies are reduced to 30% - (out of the 544, it is proposed to reduce - 165) and the terms of inspections are reduced by 50% (from 30 to 15 working days).

At the same time, these measures are only the beginning of a reduction in the control and supervision functions of state bodies and a reduction in the number of inspectors. Statistics show that in some organs the high control load remains. The whole system of state control is based on the risk management system. For reference: In 2016, a total of 101,109 inspections were carried out, 38% were conducted by sanitary epidemiological inspectorates; - 23% by the tax authorities; - 10% by fire prevention authorities; - 6% by labor inspection bodies; - 5% by land administration bodies; - 3% environmental protection agencies.

Practice shows that some state bodies try to conduct control through their subordinate organizations - different RGPs, JSCs, LLPs and institutes, providing them with the functions of monitoring, research, analysis. In total, during the existence of the National Chamber, 570 systemic problems were identified, 362 of which were resolved, at the stage of decision 58 and 150 are under discussion with state bodies. The greatest number of problems has been identified in construction and architecture - 53 or 10.3%, transport and logistics - 51 or 10%, medicine and pharmaceuticals - 40 or 8%.

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