The national chamber of entrepreneurs


An association of tourism was created in the Akmola region

- Akmola Region
6032 просмотров

The chairman of the Association of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "Tourist Association of Akmola region" elected a well-known businessman of the region, a member of the Council for the Protection of Entrepreneurs’ Rights Kayrat Sultanov.

The main goal of the organization is the development of the tourist potential of the region. And its tasks are to raise the level of professionalism and quality of the services provided in the sphere of tourism, promotion of tourist products.

Currently, the association's members are 24 subjects of the tourist business of our region from among travel agencies, hotels, sanatoriums, zones and recreation centers. "However, the collection of applications for joining the ranks of participants is already underway, and they are also actively showing interest in the development of tourism. It is planned that by the next meeting of the Association, their number will reach 50", - says Anara Shaymukhanova, expert of the project support department of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs

At the moment, the association members are working on the visiting card of Akmola region. The portrait of the region will include tourist resources, climatic conditions, types of tourism, accommodation and food, etc.

It is expected that the created association will become an effective platform for discussion and definition of the regional policy in the sphere of tourism, representation and protection of interests of organizations and companies of the tourism industry, ensuring mutually beneficial cooperation between members of these organizations and local executive bodies to solve the problems of the tourism industry development and the economic potential of the region as a whole.

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