The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"ECO", "BIO", "Organic": state authorities explained – but questions remain

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"ECO", "BIO", "Organic": state authorities explained – but questions remain

The meeting was held on the initiative of "Atameken" due to the fact that before the Committee on Consumer Protection informed of control in respect of entrepreneurs engaged in the import and sale of imported products that carry the characters "ECO", "BIO", "Organic", as well as domestic organic products.

The discussion was attended by representatives of the oil and fat, dairy, poultry industries, representatives of trading companies, associations in the field of organic agriculture and ecology, as well as manufacturers of products.

To understand the uniqueness of the issue, Deputy Chairman of NCE Dana Zhunusova invited the Committee on Consumer Protection to give clarification both for imported organic products, as well as domestic ones.


On imported products, Deputy Chairman of the Consumer Protection Committee Nurkhan Sadvakassov explained that a certificate of inspection of the exporting country is a prerequisite for imported products that carry the characters "ECO", "BIO", "Organic", the certificate shall be kept by the importer at least 2 years, and that this requirement follows from the document Codex Alimentarius, used in the framework of Kazakhstan's WTO obligations.

In addition, entrepreneurs still do not understand how to use the instrument of the Codex Alimentarius (a document of direct action, or is used in the formulation of national RLAs, how to apply it in the presence of national law and there is disagreement between them, the question of access to an official copy, etc.).

In this regard, in the near future NCE will direct the relevant requests to the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Economy.


As for domestic products N. Sadvakasov explained that the products of domestic manufacturers of organic products must be treated in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On organic production" and have a certificate of conformity of the Kazakhstan production of organic products and organic products, and marked by the national mark of organic products.

Business noted that the requirement of the law on the certification of products for application to products labelled "eco", "bio", "organic" can’t be implemented because there is no system for certification of production and products, a sign of conformity of organic products, all these indicates that there is the need to introduce "transition period" for domestic entrepreneurs.


According to this requirement Nurkhan Sadvakassov and Vice Minister of Agriculture Gulmira Isayeva confirmed the absence of a system for the certification of production and products (lack of standards, the accredited bodies on certification, certified expert auditors, a mark of conformity, etc.).

According to deputy chairman of NCE Dana Zhunusova, as well as industry associations and unions, it is impossible to sell the domestic organic products on the territory of Kazakhstan, while the imported products corresponding to the foreign system organic production, have access to our market, and a bias towards imports negatively impacts local farmers and puts them in unequal competitive conditions.

Gulnara Isayeva informed the meeting about the work being done to implement the requirements of the law, including that by the end of 2017 domestic producers (mainly located in Kostanay and Almaty regions), which are currently engaged in organic production in accordance with international demands and requirements of the importing country will be able to certify the products on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Investment and Development Galymzhan Dougalov reported on the ongoing work to develop standards for organic products and exploring issues of certification of expert auditors.

In turn, representatives of the dairy industry have noted there is a problem regarding the use of the established names of dairy products, using the word "bio".

The business community also highlighted the inconsistency of the law and regulations of the Environmental Code, which leads to uncertainty and application of the rules of state control.

Considering the above, the meeting noted the need for further study of the issue, as well as clarification, including the Prosecutor General's Office regarding the implementation of state control.

The work of NCE in this direction will be continued by all the questions you can contact by phone: +77172 919-330.

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