The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The Committee of the construction industry of NCE summed up the results for 2016

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The work in certain areas will continue in 2017

At the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held a meeting of the Committee of construction, production of construction materials and housing and communal services with the participation of Deputy Chairman of NCE Yuliya Yakupbaeva, the head of the Committee Alexander Belovich, as well as representatives of professional associations - members of the Chamber.

Deputy Chairman of NCE Yuliya Yakupbaeva made a presentation on the work of the Committee for 2016. She noted that many important issues were discussed at the site of "Atameken". For example, the work on the draft Technical Regulations of EAEU, the working group on the formation of the Program of the project "Nurly Zher", the main objective of which is the reduction in price of the mortgage, support for private developers, as well as the development of individual housing construction. There were developed rules for organization of construction and passage of licensing procedures in the construction of building, fixing the simplification of procedures for obtaining permits in the construction sector, which entered into force on 1st of March 2016.

According to the new rules of construction, 6-fold reduced the term for presentation of raw materials (from 91 to 15 working days); 3 times shortened term of harmonization of conceptual design from 30 to 10 working days; the approval procedure for projects of external networks was abolished, which takes 30 to 60 working days; separate procedures were united on the principle of "one window".

With the active participation of NCE and the major associations of the construction industry in February 2016 was established the Chamber of expert organizations, which currently consists of 62 expert organizations.

"Atameken" conducted big work on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and elimination of administrative barriers in the construction industry. So, Akimats of Astana and Almaty in support of domestic producers took offers of NCE on the possibility of involvement of equipment, materials, works and services of domestic production in the implementation of projects for construction, reconstruction and modernization of the systems for collection, treatment and sewage pumping.

The Ministry of National Economy of RK under the initiative of NCE amended sanitary rules of RK 3.02-43-2007 "Residential buildings", entitling the customer to determine the kind of finish without making any changes to the approved project, to conform to the Rules of organization of construction and passage of licensing procedures in the field of construction.

The period of certification experts, carrying out expert works and engineering services in architecture, urban planning and construction activities was shortened from 51 working days to 30 working days, etc.

The Committee's report was approved; it was decided to continue work on certain areas in 2017.

The meeting also addressed the issue of introducing the institution of treasury support for public procurement, they discussed possible alternative mechanisms for tracking the targeted use of budgetary funds and other financial flows.

According to the Committee’s Plan for 2017, which was previously sent to the associations for presentation of proposals, it was decided to revise ir, taking into account the proposals of the business community.

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