The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Monitoring where it is thin, it tears

- Akmola Region
8715 просмотров

The sphere of land relations and transport control in the region will be subject to public monitoring

As you know, the National Chamber of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption signed a roadmap for the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement.

The Roadmap stipulates the conduction of analysis and identification of the causes and conditions conducive to corruption offenses in 16 areas: public health, the development of entrepreneurial activity by local executive bodies, agriculture, architecture and urban development, land relations, traffic control, energy and utilities, state procurements conducted by local executive bodies , tax and customs administration, natural resources and ecology, veterinary, sanitary-epidemiological surveillance, fire, safety, enforcement of judgments.

During the public monitoring it is planned to collect data from all available sources (access to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, official letters to state bodies and other organizations, information from entrepreneurs presented in working order, materials and information in the media, public databases, etc.).

Analysis of the situation on the above areas will be carried out not only in individual regions, but also across Kazakhstan. In particular, Akmola region will be subject to monitoring in the sphere of land relations and traffic control.

Contact the Call-Center of the National Chamber of Commerce (calls are free, call forwarding is available at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs): 59-79-60 (from any city) 259-79-60 (for Almaty), the office for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and reduction of administrative barriers of RCE: tel. 8 (716 2) 722-537, 722-538, 722-544, e-mail: r.syzdykov @ palata.kza.arapova @

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