The national chamber of entrepreneurs


North Kazakhstani businessmen complained to Gani Kasymov on the actions of local authorities

- North-Kazakhstan Region
12541 просмотров

In the district of ​​Shal akyn, business is not allowed to develop, this was stated at a joint meeting of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs NCE RK "Atameken" and RCE of NKR Sultan Turlenov.

The meeting of the Council chaired by Gani Kasymov – is the last hope, says the entrepreneur. On 17th of June this year, by the decision of akim of town of Sergeevka Yerlan Zhakupov been discontinued his private ownership of the land on which Sultan Turlenov has built a trade pavilion. The man immediately appealed to the Chamber of entrepreneurs for help. The trial began. "I believe that these are tricks of the competitors, who can’t do business. Repeatedly we confronted with them on minor issues. I'm on their way and the town administration is lobbying their interests", - said the businessman Sultan Turlenov.

The court returned the land to the entrepreneur, but this did not end the misadventures of a businessman. The department of state architectural and construction control and licensing inspected him. The reason was the appeal of public bodies on the facts of damage to life, human health, the environment and the legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities. However, no violations were found. What can’t be said about the acting head of the department of land relations of Shal akin Serik Dyusyumbaev. According to experts of RCE of NKR, in his actions can also be traced incompetent actions. So, the notification addressed to Turlenov states that the contract for the sale of land dated by 26th of April 2012 was conclude in violation of paragraph 2 of Article 44-1 of the Land Code of RK. Article 44-1 was put into effect only on 1st of January 2015, respectively, no violation could have occurred. As the head of the department for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of RCE of NKR Askar Makhmet, "this fact is regarded as intervention of a public authority in the business". In turn, the akim of Shal Akin Erbol Sagdiev quoted figures: "Over the last year were granted loans amounting to 67 million, this year we have reached 112 million by the end of the year we will reach another 150 million was to support SMEs. And then, I realized that I was the first enemy of business. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish, where bona fide business, and where not. Two problematic issues were considered today by the Council, I can say it is a very unscrupulous businessmen", - said akim of Shal Akin.

After hearing both sides, the chairman of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs NCE RK Gani Kasymov: "We are waiting for the court verdict, after which we must again return to this issue. On the one hand, there are arguments that employers have the legal right to entrepreneurial activity, they also can not infringe. On the other hand, here represented the interests of local authorities, who are also obliged, by law, take the necessary measures to protect the legitimate interests of the public and the territory where the incident has occurred. After the decision of the court, I recommend that the Council of RCE of NKR to consider this question for the presence of violations of the current legislation, if it took place".

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