The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The state is primarily interested in the development of entrepreneurial activity

- Almaty Region
14471 просмотров

Public monitoring has become one of the most effective tools of identification of administrative barriers

Results of the good practices presented by the Chairman of the Regional Council for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Baniyamin Fayzulin at the reporting meeting with the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan.

According to the data, in order to identify and reduce barriers, the Chamber conducted an analysis and submitted proposals to the current legislation, optimization of the licensing system. There was created a registry of problematic questions and a map for solution of business problems, there was conducted the examination of normative legal acts.

"One of the most effective tools to identify administrative barriers is to conduct public monitoring. During the fourth quarter 2015 and in the first quarter of this year we conducted public monitoring and analyzes of state’s participation in entrepreneurial activity, subsidies for bus passenger services in the field of ecology, Technical Regulation and Metrology ", - said Chairman of the Council.

Problems of state participation in entrepreneurial activity is an important issue for the region. For example, during monitoring we detected a number of violations of antitrust laws in the creation and activities of legal entities with the participation of the state. For example, it turned out that the Centre for servicing passenger transportation (CSPT) operates in violation of a number of legislative acts, as a small business entity. According to the law "On Competition", the local executive authorities are prohibited to establish legal entities, more than fifty percent of shares (stakes in the authorized capital) of which belong to the state, and their affiliates, which are in accordance with the law "On private entrepreneurship" are referred to small businesses, as well as participation in them. Analysis of the charther of the Center showed that they have the right to operate in a competitive environment. In addition, LLP was created in violation of the law "On the road transport", which does not provide creation of dispatching services by local executive bodies. In violation of the current legislation operate other legal entities with the participation of the state in a competitive environment, and, particularly in the field of architecture.

According to Bolat Palymbetova, the state, first of all, is interested in the development of entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, we carry out the work to prevent such cases.

"President Nursultan Nazarbayev puts as a priority task the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Today in Kazakhstan, there are 3 million 200 thousand self-employed people in SMEs, which is about 38%. Note that in other countries, it is more than 60-70%. Therefore, we need to strengthen support for businesses and to bring these numbers at least up to 60-70%. The Government is doing very much in this direction. There were established development institutions, there was adopted the law on the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the Entrepreneurial Code ", - summed up the Business Ombudsman.

There were identified problems in the application of environmental legislation, which have led to initiation of inspections by the General Prosecutor's Office throughout the country. As a result, the prosecutor's office has made an act of prosecutorial response to eliminate violations.

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