The national chamber of entrepreneurs


To attract investors through diplomats

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In Astana was held a meeting of the Diplomatic Business Club, which was established with the support of NCE RK "Atameken" and the MFA of RK

This time investment projects of Aktobe region were presented the heads of diplomatic missions in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As it was noted by the organizers of the event, created under the auspices of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" and the MFA, the Diplomatic Business Club has become a recognizable platform, through which the Kazakh side has the opportunity to inform the diplomatic corps about the most attractive projects, which, in turn, inform their capitals on permanent basis.

During the meeting, there were presented 11 investment projects of the region: in food industry, mining, chemical industry, metallurgy and hotel business worth 1.2 billion USD. And another 6 projects, worth 104.7 billion tenge, will be implemented in 2016, including ones with participation of foreign investment, -. Cement, nickel plants and a plant for processing of solid domestic waste.

Akim of Aktobe region named agriculture and, in particular, the production of meat and milk products with a view to exports to Russia, one of the most attractive in terms of investment in the area.

"At the moment, we do not buy meat in Russia, and, on the contrary, we export it, we have already sent 5,000 tons. But, of course, the produced amount of meat and dairy products is not enough for export and now we are working on increasing the volume of exports up to 20 million tons", - said Berdybek Saparbayev.

The head of the breeding farm "Altyn Dala" Sandybaev Aliturliev, who participated in the meeting, said he hopes to find investors for the expansion of his farm.

"We have 8 thousand hectares of land. Our livestock base includes more than 1,200 heads of small ruminants and more than 100 of bovine animals. We plan to expand our business by creating a feeding complex and exports of meat to China. Therefore, we are interested in investors from this country. Currently, we export our products to Russia", - said Sandybay Aliturliev.

Member of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Astana city, president of the Alliance of investors Azamathan Amirtaev stressed that two partners of the Alliance are attending the today’s meeting, which can be potential investors - the Swiss and Russian companies.

"These investors are interested in investments in the sector of management of financial funds, as well as agro-industrial complex. Because today the state renders great help for the development of small and medium-sized businesses - said Azamathan Amirtaev.

In turn, the representative of the Swiss investment group Dmitry Ivenko noted that his company has already a successful experience of investments in Kazakh projects.

"At one time we had a fund that invested 150 million USD in projects in the CIS countries, including Kazakhstan. Today, we have about 500 million dollars, of which about  50 million USD will be invested in the CIS countries, including Kazakhstan, with the possibility of increasing it up to 150 million USD. We are also interested in an international financial center. I believe that the ability to attract investors through it will give a huge impetus to the development of capital markets in Kazakhstan and indirectly - the inflow of capital in your country, - said Dmitry Ivenko.

The Diplomatic Business Club was created last year by the end of the meeting of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev with the diplomatic corps.

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